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Basic Kneads Massage is a therapy service that focuses on your overall well-being.



Massage can be a natural and effective form of rehabilitation for back and neck pain without the dependency on pain medications


Many who suffer from the discomfort of debilating tension headaches and migraines can benefit from many techniques including myofascial release therapy.


The gentle massage therapy is proven to be successful in helping soothe those of us who live with the burden of depression and anxiety on a daily basis. 


If you have sustained an injury through an accident or illness, massage can help restore a normal level of movement and activity.



Tracy Runions RMT

Experience natural relief, leaving you with an overall feeling of relaxation and calm.

“Tracy’s skillful therapeutic knowledge helped me regain the movement in my neck and regain my function.”
— Kim Barthel
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Healing Massage

The gentle effectiveness of massage therapy is proven to be successful in helping soothe clients

“Tracy’s hands are incredible.” I honestly feel like I’m an inch taller - I can really stretch my neck in all directions - It feels so good!”
— Block Client

Block Therapy

A restorative practice which has three main components: Exercise - Treatment - Meditation

“I deal with chronic pain, inflammation, tightness and loss of mobility from injuries sustained at work. The relief Tracy has provided has been remarkable.”
— Carla E. Kehler

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

PEMF treatments work at a cellular level to rebalance and restore cellular function.


Basic Kneads Massage is centrally located in the River Heights area of Winnipeg